This example script demontrates how you could create event dates with linkable contents
in the Active Calendar, using records from your MySQL database.
It requires 3 MySQL Table fields:
1. A field where a date is stored either as 'datetime' or just as an integrer (unix timestamp),
2. A field where the event content is stored
3. A field where the event link url is stored
This could be a way to develop a real 'Event Calendar', adjusted to your needs.
Please set the MySQL connection variables below, according to your configuration
$dbhost="localhost"; // the url of your MySQL Server
$dbuser="root"; // the username of your MySQL Server
$dbpass=""; // the password of your MySQL Server
$dbname="test"; // the name of your MySQL Database
$tblname="mynews"; // the name of your MySQL Database Table
$tblDateName="newsdate"; // the name of your MySQL Table Date Field
$tblContent="newstitle"; // the name of your MySQL Table Content Field
$tblLink="newslink"; // the name of your MySQL Table Link Field
Please uncomment the following lines, if you want this script to create the required MySQL Table for you.
This example table will have 2 sample events of the current day (for better view)
//$SETUPSQL="CREATE TABLE `".$tblname."` (`".$tblDateName."` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `".$tblContent."` char(250) NOT NULL default '', `".$tblLink."` char(250) NOT NULL default '') TYPE=MyISAM;";
//$SETUPSQL1="INSERT INTO `".$tblname."` VALUES (now(), 'ActiveCalendar', 'http://freshmeat.net/redir/activecalendar/53267/url_demo/index.html');";
//$SETUPSQL2="INSERT INTO `".$tblname."` VALUES (now(), 'Google', 'http://www.google.com/');";
//@mysql_select_db($dbname, $conID);
Please use the following SQL Statement if the Date Field has a type such as 'datetime'
$SQL="SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(".$tblDateName.") AS ".$tblDateName.", ".$tblContent.", ".$tblLink." FROM ".$tblname;
Please uncomment the following SQL Statement if the Date Field saves the date as unix timestamp (integrer)
//$SQL="SELECT ".$tblDateName.", ".$tblContent.", ".$tblLink." FROM ".$tblname;
Connect to Database and send the query
@mysql_select_db($dbname, $conID);
Calendar Navigation variables
$myurl=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?css=".@$_GET['css']; // the links url is this page
$yearID=false; // GET variable for the year (set in Active Calendar Class), init false to display current year
$monthID=false; // GET variable for the month (set in Active Calendar Class), init false to display current month
$dayID=false; // GET variable for the day (set in Active Calendar Class), init false to display current day
Create a calendar object
$cal=new activeCalendar($yearID,$monthID,$dayID);
Gets all dates from your database and set the calendar events html classes (for the layout)
$eventID="event"; // sets the name of the generated HTML class on the event day (css layout)
while ($data=@mysql_fetch_array($sqlID, MYSQL_BOTH)){
$mysqlDay=date("j",$data[$tblDateName]); // makes a day out of the database date
$mysqlMonth=date("n",$data[$tblDateName]); // makes a month out of the database date
$mysqlYear=date("Y",$data[$tblDateName]); // makes a year out of the database date
$mysqlContent=$data[$tblContent]; // gets the event content
$mysqlLink=$data[$tblLink]; // gets the event link
$cal->setEvent($mysqlYear,$mysqlMonth,$mysqlDay,$eventID); // set the event, if you want the whole day to be an event
$cal->setEventContent($mysqlYear,$mysqlMonth,$mysqlDay,$mysqlContent,$mysqlLink); // set the event content and link
<?php echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"; ?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<head><title>Active Calendar Class with MySQL Events</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php print @$_GET['css'] ?>" />
$cal->enableDatePicker(2002,2010); // this enables the month's datepicker (year range 2002 - 2010)
$cal->enableMonthNav($myurl); // this enables the month's navigation controls
echo $cal->showMonth(); // this displays the month's view
<br />
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