: plugin.phpbhUEZ storage.phpbhU}a%i18n/ca/LC_MESSAGES/storage-fs.mo.phpbhU d(i18n/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/storage-fs.mo.phpbhUQ&;%i18n/da/LC_MESSAGES/storage-fs.mo.phpbhUl`%i18n/nl/LC_MESSAGES/storage-fs.mo.phpbhUM%Ƕ%i18n/fr/LC_MESSAGES/storage-fs.mo.php4bhU4U/%i18n/de/LC_MESSAGES/storage-fs.mo.phpbhULs%i18n/hu/LC_MESSAGES/storage-fs.mo.phpbhU[%i18n/it/LC_MESSAGES/storage-fs.mo.phpbhU$~]%i18n/ja/LC_MESSAGES/storage-fs.mo.phpbhU %i18n/no/LC_MESSAGES/storage-fs.mo.phpbhU %i18n/pl/LC_MESSAGES/storage-fs.mo.phpbhU (i18n/pt_PT/LC_MESSAGES/storage-fs.mo.phpbhUqs%i18n/ru/LC_MESSAGES/storage-fs.mo.phpXbhUXo=(i18n/es_ES/LC_MESSAGES/storage-fs.mo.phpbhUCW(i18n/sv_SE/LC_MESSAGES/storage-fs.mo.phpbhUw4Զ 'storage:fs', # notrans 'version' => '0.3', 'name' => /* trans */ 'Attachments on the filesystem', 'author' => 'Jared Hancock', 'description' => /* trans */ 'Enables storing attachments on the filesystem', 'url' => 'http://www.osticket.com/plugins/storage-fs', 'plugin' => 'storage.php:FsStoragePlugin' ); ?> meta->getKey(); $filename = $this->getPath($hash); if (!$this->fp) $this->fp = @fopen($filename, 'rb'); if (!$this->fp) throw new IOException($filename.': Unable to open for reading'); if ($offset) fseek($this->fp, $offset); if (($status = @fread($this->fp, $bytes)) === false) throw new IOException($filename.': Unable to read from file'); return $status; } function passthru() { $hash = $this->meta->getKey(); $filename = $this->getPath($hash); // TODO: Raise IOException on failure if (($status = @readfile($filename)) === false) throw new IOException($filename.': Unable to read from file'); return $status; } function write($data) { $hash = $this->meta->getKey(); $filename = $this->getPath($hash); if (!$this->fp) $this->fp = @fopen($filename, 'wb'); if (!$this->fp) throw new IOException($filename.':Unable to open for reading'); if (($status = @fwrite($this->fp, $data)) === false) throw new IOException($filename.': Unable to write to file'); return $status; } function upload($filepath) { $destination = $this->getPath($this->meta->getKey()); if (!@move_uploaded_file($filepath, $destination)) throw new IOException($filepath.': Unable to move file'); // TODO: Consider CHMOD on the file return true; } function unlink() { $filename = $this->getPath($this->meta->getKey()); if (!@unlink($filename)) throw new IOException($filename.': Unable to delete file'); return true; } function getPath($hash) { // TODO: Make this configurable $prefix = $hash[0]; $base = static::$base; if ($base[0] != '/' && $base[1] != ':') $base = ROOT_DIR . $base; // Auto-create the subfolders $base .= '/'.$prefix; if (!is_dir($base)) mkdir($base, 751); return $base.'/'.$hash; } } class FsStoragePluginConfig extends PluginConfig { // Provide compatibility function for versions of osTicket prior to // translation support (v1.9.4) function translate() { if (!method_exists('Plugin', 'translate')) { return array( function($x) { return $x; }, function($x, $y, $n) { return $n != 1 ? $y : $x; }, ); } return Plugin::translate('storage-fs'); } function getOptions() { list($__, $_N) = self::translate(); return array( 'uploadpath' => new TextboxField(array( 'label'=>$__('Base folder for attachment files'), 'hint'=>$__('The path must already exist and be writeable by the web server. If the path starts with neither a `/` nor a drive letter, the path will be assumed to be relative to the root of osTicket'), 'configuration'=>array('size'=>60, 'length'=>255), 'required'=>true, )), ); } function pre_save($config, &$errors) { list($__, $_N) = self::translate(); $path = $config['uploadpath']; if ($path[0] != '/' && $path[1] != ':') $path = ROOT_DIR . $path; $field = $this->getForm()->getField('uploadpath'); $file = md5(microtime()); if (!@is_dir($path)) $field->addError($__('Path does not exist')); elseif (!@opendir($path)) $field->addError($__('Unable to access directory')); elseif (!@touch("$path/$file")) $field->addError($__('Unable to write to directory')); elseif (!@unlink("$path/$file")) $field->addError($__('Unable to remove files from directory')); else touch("$path/.keep"); return true; } } class FsStoragePlugin extends Plugin { var $config_class = 'FsStoragePluginConfig'; function bootstrap() { $config = $this->getConfig(); $uploadpath = $config->get('uploadpath'); list($__, $_N) = $config::translate(); if ($uploadpath) { FileStorageBackend::register('F', 'FilesystemStorage'); FilesystemStorage::$base = $uploadpath; FilesystemStorage::$desc = $__('Filesystem') .': '.$uploadpath; } } } 'Project-Id-Version: osticket-plugins POT-Create-Date: 2014-07-31 12:17 -0500 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: support@osticket.com Language: ca_ES MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Generator: crowdin.com Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1); X-Crowdin-Project: osticket-plugins X-Crowdin-Language: ca X-Crowdin-File: /storage-fs/LC_MESSAGES/storage-fs.po Last-Translator: greezybacon Language-Team: Catalan PO-Revision-Date: 2015-04-02 11:50-0400 ', 'Attachments on the filesystem' => 'Attachments on the filesystem', 'Base folder for attachment files' => 'Base folder for attachment files', 'Enables storing attachments on the filesystem' => 'Enables storing attachments on the filesystem', 'Filesystem' => 'Filesystem', 'Path does not exist' => 'Path does not exist', 'The path must already exist and be writeable by the web server. If the path starts with neither a `/` nor a drive letter, the path will be assumed to be relative to the root of osTicket' => 'The path must already exist and be writeable by the web server. If the path starts with neither a `/` nor a drive letter, the path will be assumed to be relative to the root of osTicket', 'Unable to access directory' => 'Unable to access directory', 'Unable to remove files from directory' => 'Unable to remove files from directory', 'Unable to write to directory' => 'Unable to write to directory', 0 => array ( 'Revision' => 0, 'Total-Strings' => 10, 'Table-Size' => 10, 'Build-Timestamp' => 'Thu, 02 Apr 15 16:03:44 +0000', 'Format-Version' => 'A', 'Encoding' => 'UTF-8', ), ); 'Project-Id-Version: osticket-plugins POT-Create-Date: 2014-07-31 12:17 -0500 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: support@osticket.com Language: zh_CN MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Generator: crowdin.com Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0; X-Crowdin-Project: osticket-plugins X-Crowdin-Language: zh-CN X-Crowdin-File: /storage-fs/LC_MESSAGES/storage-fs.po Last-Translator: greezybacon Language-Team: Chinese Simplified PO-Revision-Date: 2015-04-02 11:50-0400 ', 'Attachments on the filesystem' => 'Attachments on the filesystem', 'Base folder for attachment files' => 'Base folder for attachment files', 'Enables storing attachments on the filesystem' => 'Enables storing attachments on the filesystem', 'Filesystem' => 'Filesystem', 'Path does not exist' => 'Path does not exist', 'The path must already exist and be writeable by the web server. If the path starts with neither a `/` nor a drive letter, the path will be assumed to be relative to the root of osTicket' => 'The path must already exist and be writeable by the web server. If the path starts with neither a `/` nor a drive letter, the path will be assumed to be relative to the root of osTicket', 'Unable to access directory' => 'Unable to access directory', 'Unable to remove files from directory' => 'Unable to remove files from directory', 'Unable to write to directory' => 'Unable to write to directory', 0 => array ( 'Revision' => 0, 'Total-Strings' => 10, 'Table-Size' => 10, 'Build-Timestamp' => 'Thu, 02 Apr 15 16:03:44 +0000', 'Format-Version' => 'A', 'Encoding' => 'UTF-8', ), ); 'Project-Id-Version: osticket-plugins POT-Create-Date: 2014-07-31 12:17 -0500 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: support@osticket.com Language: da_DK MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Generator: crowdin.com Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1); X-Crowdin-Project: osticket-plugins X-Crowdin-Language: da X-Crowdin-File: /storage-fs/LC_MESSAGES/storage-fs.po Last-Translator: greezybacon Language-Team: Danish PO-Revision-Date: 2015-04-02 11:50-0400 ', 'Attachments on the filesystem' => 'Attachments on the filesystem', 'Base folder for attachment files' => 'Base folder for attachment files', 'Enables storing attachments on the filesystem' => 'Enables storing attachments on the filesystem', 'Filesystem' => 'Filesystem', 'Path does not exist' => 'Path does not exist', 'The path must already exist and be writeable by the web server. If the path starts with neither a `/` nor a drive letter, the path will be assumed to be relative to the root of osTicket' => 'The path must already exist and be writeable by the web server. If the path starts with neither a `/` nor a drive letter, the path will be assumed to be relative to the root of osTicket', 'Unable to access directory' => 'Unable to access directory', 'Unable to remove files from directory' => 'Unable to remove files from directory', 'Unable to write to directory' => 'Unable to write to directory', 0 => array ( 'Revision' => 0, 'Total-Strings' => 10, 'Table-Size' => 10, 'Build-Timestamp' => 'Thu, 02 Apr 15 16:03:44 +0000', 'Format-Version' => 'A', 'Encoding' => 'UTF-8', ), ); 'Project-Id-Version: osticket-plugins POT-Create-Date: 2014-07-31 12:17 -0500 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: support@osticket.com Language: nl_NL MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Generator: crowdin.com Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1); X-Crowdin-Project: osticket-plugins X-Crowdin-Language: nl X-Crowdin-File: /storage-fs/LC_MESSAGES/storage-fs.po Last-Translator: greezybacon Language-Team: Dutch PO-Revision-Date: 2015-04-02 11:50-0400 ', 'Attachments on the filesystem' => 'Bijlagen op het bestandssysteem', 'Base folder for attachment files' => 'Base folder for attachment files', 'Enables storing attachments on the filesystem' => 'Enables storing attachments on the filesystem', 'Filesystem' => 'Bestandssysteem', 'Path does not exist' => 'Pad bestaat niet', 'The path must already exist and be writeable by the web server. If the path starts with neither a `/` nor a drive letter, the path will be assumed to be relative to the root of osTicket' => 'The path must already exist and be writeable by the web server. If the path starts with neither a `/` nor a drive letter, the path will be assumed to be relative to the root of osTicket', 'Unable to access directory' => 'Unable to access directory', 'Unable to remove files from directory' => 'Unable to remove files from directory', 'Unable to write to directory' => 'Unable to write to directory', 0 => array ( 'Revision' => 0, 'Total-Strings' => 10, 'Table-Size' => 10, 'Build-Timestamp' => 'Thu, 02 Apr 15 16:03:44 +0000', 'Format-Version' => 'A', 'Encoding' => 'UTF-8', ), ); 'Project-Id-Version: osticket-plugins POT-Create-Date: 2014-07-31 12:17 -0500 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: support@osticket.com Language: fr_FR MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Generator: crowdin.com Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1); X-Crowdin-Project: osticket-plugins X-Crowdin-Language: fr X-Crowdin-File: /storage-fs/LC_MESSAGES/storage-fs.po Last-Translator: greezybacon Language-Team: French PO-Revision-Date: 2015-04-02 11:50-0400 ', 'Attachments on the filesystem' => 'Attachments on the filesystem', 'Base folder for attachment files' => 'Dossier racine pour les fichiers joints', 'Enables storing attachments on the filesystem' => 'Permet de stocker les pièces jointes sur le système de fichiers', 'Filesystem' => 'Système de fichiers', 'Path does not exist' => 'Le chemin d\'accès n\'existe pas', 'The path must already exist and be writeable by the web server. If the path starts with neither a `/` nor a drive letter, the path will be assumed to be relative to the root of osTicket' => 'Le chemin d\'accès doit déjà exister et être accessible en écriture par le serveur web. Si le chemin ne commence ni avec un « / », ni avec une lettre de lecteur, le chemin d\'accès sera considéré comme étant celui de la racine osTicket', 'Unable to access directory' => 'Impossible d\'accéder au répertoire', 'Unable to remove files from directory' => 'Impossible de supprimer les fichiers du répertoire', 'Unable to write to directory' => 'Impossible d\'écrire dans le répertoire', 0 => array ( 'Revision' => 0, 'Total-Strings' => 10, 'Table-Size' => 10, 'Build-Timestamp' => 'Thu, 02 Apr 15 16:03:45 +0000', 'Format-Version' => 'A', 'Encoding' => 'UTF-8', ), ); 'Project-Id-Version: osticket-plugins POT-Create-Date: 2014-07-31 12:17 -0500 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: support@osticket.com Language: de_DE MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Generator: crowdin.net Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1); Last-Translator: greezybacon Language-Team: German PO-Revision-Date: 2014-08-06 15:47-0400 ', 'Attachments on the filesystem' => 'Anhänge im Dateisystem speichern', 'Base folder for attachment files' => 'Hauptverzeichnis für Dateianhänge', 'Enables storing attachments on the filesystem' => 'Aktiviert das Speichern von Anhängen im Dateisystem', 'Filesystem' => 'Dateisystem', 'Path does not exist' => 'Pfad ist nicht vorhanden', 'The path must already exist and be writeable by the web server. If the path starts with neither a `/` nor a drive letter, the path will be assumed to be relative to the root of osTicket' => 'Der Pfad muss bereits existieren und schreibbar sein vom Web-Server. Wenn der Pfad weder mit `/` noch mit einem Laufwerksbuchstaben beginnt, wird angenommen, dass es sich um einen relativen Pfad zum Hauptverzeichnis von osTicket handelt', 'Unable to access directory' => 'Kann nicht auf das Verzeichnis zugreifen', 'Unable to remove files from directory' => 'Kann die Dateien nicht aus dem Verzeichnis entfernen', 'Unable to write to directory' => 'Kann nicht ins Verzeichnis schreiben', 0 => array ( 'Revision' => 0, 'Total-Strings' => 10, 'Table-Size' => 10, 'Build-Timestamp' => 'Thu, 02 Apr 15 16:03:45 +0000', 'Format-Version' => 'A', 'Encoding' => 'UTF-8', ), ); 'Project-Id-Version: osticket-plugins POT-Create-Date: 2014-07-31 12:17 -0500 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: support@osticket.com Language: hu_HU MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Generator: crowdin.com Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1); X-Crowdin-Project: osticket-plugins X-Crowdin-Language: hu X-Crowdin-File: /storage-fs/LC_MESSAGES/storage-fs.po Last-Translator: greezybacon Language-Team: Hungarian PO-Revision-Date: 2015-04-02 11:50-0400 ', 'Attachments on the filesystem' => 'Attachments on the filesystem', 'Base folder for attachment files' => 'Base folder for attachment files', 'Enables storing attachments on the filesystem' => 'Enables storing attachments on the filesystem', 'Filesystem' => 'Filesystem', 'Path does not exist' => 'Path does not exist', 'The path must already exist and be writeable by the web server. If the path starts with neither a `/` nor a drive letter, the path will be assumed to be relative to the root of osTicket' => 'The path must already exist and be writeable by the web server. If the path starts with neither a `/` nor a drive letter, the path will be assumed to be relative to the root of osTicket', 'Unable to access directory' => 'Unable to access directory', 'Unable to remove files from directory' => 'Unable to remove files from directory', 'Unable to write to directory' => 'Unable to write to directory', 0 => array ( 'Revision' => 0, 'Total-Strings' => 10, 'Table-Size' => 10, 'Build-Timestamp' => 'Thu, 02 Apr 15 16:03:45 +0000', 'Format-Version' => 'A', 'Encoding' => 'UTF-8', ), ); 'Project-Id-Version: osticket-plugins POT-Create-Date: 2014-07-31 12:17 -0500 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: support@osticket.com Language: it_IT MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Generator: crowdin.com Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1); X-Crowdin-Project: osticket-plugins X-Crowdin-Language: it X-Crowdin-File: /storage-fs/LC_MESSAGES/storage-fs.po Last-Translator: greezybacon Language-Team: Italian PO-Revision-Date: 2015-04-02 11:50-0400 ', 'Attachments on the filesystem' => 'Allegati sul filesystem', 'Base folder for attachment files' => 'Cartella di default per i file allegati', 'Enables storing attachments on the filesystem' => 'Consente di archiviare gli allegati sul filesystem', 'Filesystem' => 'Filesystem', 'Path does not exist' => 'il path non esiste', 'The path must already exist and be writeable by the web server. If the path starts with neither a `/` nor a drive letter, the path will be assumed to be relative to the root of osTicket' => 'Il percorso deve già esistere ed essere scrivibile dal server web. Se il percorso inizia con un \'/\' o un drive lettera, il percorso sarà assunto da relativamente alla radice di osTicket', 'Unable to access directory' => 'Impossibile accedere alle directory', 'Unable to remove files from directory' => 'Impossibile rimuovere i file dalla directory', 'Unable to write to directory' => 'Impossibile scrivere nella directory', 0 => array ( 'Revision' => 0, 'Total-Strings' => 10, 'Table-Size' => 10, 'Build-Timestamp' => 'Thu, 02 Apr 15 16:03:45 +0000', 'Format-Version' => 'A', 'Encoding' => 'UTF-8', ), ); 'Project-Id-Version: osticket-plugins POT-Create-Date: 2014-07-31 12:17 -0500 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: support@osticket.com Language: ja_JP MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Generator: crowdin.com Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0; X-Crowdin-Project: osticket-plugins X-Crowdin-Language: ja X-Crowdin-File: /storage-fs/LC_MESSAGES/storage-fs.po Last-Translator: greezybacon Language-Team: Japanese PO-Revision-Date: 2015-04-02 11:50-0400 ', 'Attachments on the filesystem' => 'Attachments on the filesystem', 'Base folder for attachment files' => 'Base folder for attachment files', 'Enables storing attachments on the filesystem' => 'Enables storing attachments on the filesystem', 'Filesystem' => 'Filesystem', 'Path does not exist' => 'Path does not exist', 'The path must already exist and be writeable by the web server. If the path starts with neither a `/` nor a drive letter, the path will be assumed to be relative to the root of osTicket' => 'The path must already exist and be writeable by the web server. If the path starts with neither a `/` nor a drive letter, the path will be assumed to be relative to the root of osTicket', 'Unable to access directory' => 'Unable to access directory', 'Unable to remove files from directory' => 'Unable to remove files from directory', 'Unable to write to directory' => 'Unable to write to directory', 0 => array ( 'Revision' => 0, 'Total-Strings' => 10, 'Table-Size' => 10, 'Build-Timestamp' => 'Thu, 02 Apr 15 16:03:45 +0000', 'Format-Version' => 'A', 'Encoding' => 'UTF-8', ), ); 'Project-Id-Version: osticket-plugins POT-Create-Date: 2014-07-31 12:17 -0500 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: support@osticket.com Language: no_NO MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Generator: crowdin.com Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1); X-Crowdin-Project: osticket-plugins X-Crowdin-Language: no X-Crowdin-File: /storage-fs/LC_MESSAGES/storage-fs.po Last-Translator: greezybacon Language-Team: Norwegian PO-Revision-Date: 2015-04-02 11:50-0400 ', 'Attachments on the filesystem' => 'Vedlegg på filsystemet', 'Base folder for attachment files' => 'Basismappe for vedleggsfiler', 'Enables storing attachments on the filesystem' => 'Tillater å lagre vedlegg på filsystemet', 'Filesystem' => 'Filsystem', 'Path does not exist' => 'Banen finnes ikke', 'The path must already exist and be writeable by the web server. If the path starts with neither a `/` nor a drive letter, the path will be assumed to be relative to the root of osTicket' => 'Banen må allerede eksistere og være skrivbar av nett server. Hvis banen starter med verken en "/" eller a drive tegn, banen vil antas for å være relativ til roten av osTicket', 'Unable to access directory' => 'Får ikke tilgang til katalogen', 'Unable to remove files from directory' => 'Kan ikke fjerne filene fra katalogen', 'Unable to write to directory' => 'Kan ikke skrive til mappen', 0 => array ( 'Revision' => 0, 'Total-Strings' => 10, 'Table-Size' => 10, 'Build-Timestamp' => 'Thu, 02 Apr 15 16:03:45 +0000', 'Format-Version' => 'A', 'Encoding' => 'UTF-8', ), ); 'Project-Id-Version: osticket-plugins POT-Create-Date: 2014-07-31 12:17 -0500 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: support@osticket.com Language: pl_PL MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Generator: crowdin.com Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2); X-Crowdin-Project: osticket-plugins X-Crowdin-Language: pl X-Crowdin-File: /storage-fs/LC_MESSAGES/storage-fs.po Last-Translator: greezybacon Language-Team: Polish PO-Revision-Date: 2015-04-02 11:50-0400 ', 'Attachments on the filesystem' => 'Załączniki plików', 'Base folder for attachment files' => 'Folder podstawowy dla załączników', 'Enables storing attachments on the filesystem' => 'Umożliwia przechowywanie załączników w systemie plików', 'Filesystem' => 'System plików', 'Path does not exist' => 'Ścieżka nie istnieje', 'The path must already exist and be writeable by the web server. If the path starts with neither a `/` nor a drive letter, the path will be assumed to be relative to the root of osTicket' => 'Ścieżka musi już istnieć i być zapisywalna przez serwer www. Jeśli ścieżka zaczyna się od \'/\' a nie od litery dysku, to przyjmuje się że ścieżka jest umiejscowiona względm głównego katalogu osTicket', 'Unable to access directory' => 'Nie można uzyskać dostępu do katalogu', 'Unable to remove files from directory' => 'Nie można usunąć pliki z katalogu', 'Unable to write to directory' => 'Nie można zapisać do katalogu', 0 => array ( 'Revision' => 0, 'Total-Strings' => 10, 'Table-Size' => 10, 'Build-Timestamp' => 'Thu, 02 Apr 15 16:03:45 +0000', 'Format-Version' => 'A', 'Encoding' => 'UTF-8', ), ); 'Project-Id-Version: osticket-plugins POT-Create-Date: 2014-07-31 12:17 -0500 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: support@osticket.com Language: pt_PT MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Generator: crowdin.com Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1); X-Crowdin-Project: osticket-plugins X-Crowdin-Language: pt-PT X-Crowdin-File: /storage-fs/LC_MESSAGES/storage-fs.po Last-Translator: greezybacon Language-Team: Portuguese PO-Revision-Date: 2015-04-02 11:50-0400 ', 'Attachments on the filesystem' => 'Anexos no sistema de arquivos', 'Base folder for attachment files' => 'Pasta base para arquivos anexos', 'Enables storing attachments on the filesystem' => 'Permite armazenar anexos no sistema de arquivos', 'Filesystem' => 'Sistema de arquivos', 'Path does not exist' => 'Caminho não existe', 'The path must already exist and be writeable by the web server. If the path starts with neither a `/` nor a drive letter, the path will be assumed to be relative to the root of osTicket' => 'O caminho já deve existir e ter permissões de escrita pelo servidor web. Se o caminho não começa com um \'/\' nem com uma letra de unidade , assume-se que o caminho é relativo à raiz do osTicket', 'Unable to access directory' => 'Não é possível aceder à pasta', 'Unable to remove files from directory' => 'Não é possível remover os arquivos da pasta', 'Unable to write to directory' => 'Não é possível escrever na pasta', 0 => array ( 'Revision' => 0, 'Total-Strings' => 10, 'Table-Size' => 10, 'Build-Timestamp' => 'Thu, 02 Apr 15 16:03:45 +0000', 'Format-Version' => 'A', 'Encoding' => 'UTF-8', ), ); 'Project-Id-Version: osticket-plugins POT-Create-Date: 2014-07-31 12:17 -0500 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: support@osticket.com Language: ru_RU MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Generator: crowdin.com Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2); X-Crowdin-Project: osticket-plugins X-Crowdin-Language: ru X-Crowdin-File: /storage-fs/LC_MESSAGES/storage-fs.po Last-Translator: greezybacon Language-Team: Russian PO-Revision-Date: 2015-04-02 11:50-0400 ', 'Attachments on the filesystem' => 'Вложения в файловой системе', 'Base folder for attachment files' => 'Папка для сохранения вложений', 'Enables storing attachments on the filesystem' => 'Позволяет хранить вложения в файловой системе', 'Filesystem' => 'Файловая система', 'Path does not exist' => 'Путь не существует', 'The path must already exist and be writeable by the web server. If the path starts with neither a `/` nor a drive letter, the path will be assumed to be relative to the root of osTicket' => 'Папка уже должна существовать и доступна для записи на сервере. Если путь не начинается с "/" или с буквы диска, то путь будет считаться от каталога в который установлен osTicket.', 'Unable to access directory' => 'Не удается получить доступ к каталогу', 'Unable to remove files from directory' => 'Не удается удалить файлы из каталога', 'Unable to write to directory' => 'Не удается произвести запись в папку', 0 => array ( 'Revision' => 0, 'Total-Strings' => 10, 'Table-Size' => 10, 'Build-Timestamp' => 'Thu, 02 Apr 15 16:03:45 +0000', 'Format-Version' => 'A', 'Encoding' => 'UTF-8', ), ); 'Project-Id-Version: osticket-plugins POT-Create-Date: 2014-07-31 12:17 -0500 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: support@osticket.com Language: es_ES MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Generator: crowdin.com Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1); X-Crowdin-Project: osticket-plugins X-Crowdin-Language: es-ES X-Crowdin-File: /storage-fs/LC_MESSAGES/storage-fs.po Last-Translator: greezybacon Language-Team: Spanish PO-Revision-Date: 2015-04-02 11:50-0400 ', 'Attachments on the filesystem' => 'Adjuntos en el sistema de archivos', 'Base folder for attachment files' => 'Carpeta base para archivos adjuntos', 'Enables storing attachments on the filesystem' => 'Permite almacenar archivos adjuntos en el sistema de archivos', 'Filesystem' => 'Sistema de archivos', 'Path does not exist' => 'No existe ruta de acceso', 'The path must already exist and be writeable by the web server. If the path starts with neither a `/` nor a drive letter, the path will be assumed to be relative to the root of osTicket' => 'La ruta de acceso ya debe existir y ser redactable por el servidor web. Si la ruta se inicia con un \' /\' sin una letra de la unidad de disco, la ruta de acceso se asume que es relativo a la raíz de osTicket', 'Unable to access directory' => 'No puede acceder al directorio', 'Unable to remove files from directory' => 'No puede eliminar archivos del directorio', 'Unable to write to directory' => 'No puede escribir en el directorio', 0 => array ( 'Revision' => 0, 'Total-Strings' => 10, 'Table-Size' => 10, 'Build-Timestamp' => 'Thu, 02 Apr 15 16:03:45 +0000', 'Format-Version' => 'A', 'Encoding' => 'UTF-8', ), ); 'Project-Id-Version: osticket-plugins POT-Create-Date: 2014-07-31 12:17 -0500 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: support@osticket.com Language: sv_SE MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Generator: crowdin.com Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1); X-Crowdin-Project: osticket-plugins X-Crowdin-Language: sv-SE X-Crowdin-File: /storage-fs/LC_MESSAGES/storage-fs.po Last-Translator: greezybacon Language-Team: Swedish PO-Revision-Date: 2015-04-02 11:50-0400 ', 'Attachments on the filesystem' => 'Bilagor på filsystem', 'Base folder for attachment files' => 'Bas mapp för bifogade filer', 'Enables storing attachments on the filesystem' => 'Slår på lagring av bilagor på filsystem', 'Filesystem' => 'Filsystem', 'Path does not exist' => 'Sökvägen finns inte', 'The path must already exist and be writeable by the web server. If the path starts with neither a `/` nor a drive letter, the path will be assumed to be relative to the root of osTicket' => 'Sökvägen måste redan finnas och vara skrivbar av web server. Om sökväg börjar med varken ett \'/\' eller en enhetsbeteckning, sökvägen kommer att antas vara relativ till roten av osTicket', 'Unable to access directory' => 'Det går inte att komma åt katalogen', 'Unable to remove files from directory' => 'Det går inte att ta bort filer från katalogen', 'Unable to write to directory' => 'Det går inte att skriva till katalogen', 0 => array ( 'Revision' => 0, 'Total-Strings' => 10, 'Table-Size' => 10, 'Build-Timestamp' => 'Thu, 02 Apr 15 16:03:46 +0000', 'Format-Version' => 'A', 'Encoding' => 'UTF-8', ), );ݏ^W5[`ko?2+GBMB